
The Mad Men episode “Seven Twenty Three” has some of my favorite scenes in the show, revolving around Betty and Henry’s meeting at Swenson’s Bakery. The combination of olive green, hot pink, turquoise, and lavender on Betty’s dress immediately transports us to the 1960s, as does the wood paneling in the bakery. 

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When Betty and Henry step outside, they witness the solar eclipse of July 20, 1963. The eclipse is an unexpectedly surreal and strange touch after the controlled environment of the bakery. Betty says that she feels faint. They stop in front of the window of an antique store, where Henry points out a Victorian fainting couch, which Betty later buys. 

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I grew up in a house from the 1960s with wood paneling and olive green appliances, and since I was a child, have seen and touched many fabrics that resemble the pattern on Betty’s dress. I have noticed when going to antique stores, or watching period pieces like Mad Men, how things that have been forgotten come to the surface when jogged by items from the past. It’s exciting, but also surreal, like the eclipse. 

This small design is inspired by the colors on Betty’s dress. 
